业务部名称:国际贸易投资业务部 业务部介绍: 杭天信所国际贸易投资业务部吸引了本所的优秀精英律师加入,团队律师绝大多数毕业于国内外知名法学院硕士研究生以上学历,具有丰富的国内外执业经验,能够熟练使用中文、英文作为工作语言,国际贸易投资业务部长期与美国、英国、西班牙等国家的律师事务所保持着良好的合作关系,对国际贸易投资法律框架和机制有准确的理解和把握,能够为海内外客户提供优质、高效、规范的法律服务。除专注于国际贸易投资领域内,团队律师在公司经营管理、私人财富管理、税务筹划及争议解决领域亦能够提供全方面、一体化的法律服务。 International Trade and Investment Department (hereinafter referred to as ITAID) is composed of many elite lawyers of Hang Tian Xin Law Firm. The lawyers in our team, the vast majority of whom graduated from prestigious law school at home and abroad with master degrees or above. All of our team lawyers are successful practitioners in their fields with extensive practice experience and in-depth knowledge of International Trade and Investment (ITAI), as well as fluent Mandarin, English. ITAID has been maintaining good cooperative relations with many law firms in the United States, Britain, Spain and other countries for a long time. Meanwhile, ITAID has an accurate understanding and grasp of ITAI law framework and schemes. We can provide high-quality, efficient and standardized legal services for customers at home and abroad. In addition to ITAI, our lawyer team can also provide comprehensive and integrated legal services in the areas of corporate management, private wealth management, tax planning and dispute resolution. 杭天信国际贸易投资业务部提供的法律服务包括但不限于: 1、对国际贸易中的商品品质、贸易术语、争议管辖、法律适用等合同条款进行起草及审查; 2、代理客户提出国际商事仲裁申请、提交仲裁答辩意见、代为调查取证、参加仲裁案件庭审; 3、在国际商事仲裁裁决作出后,协助客户申请国际商事仲裁裁决在东道国的承认和执行; 4、协助客户进行跨境投资政治风险、经济风险、法律风险、投资项目风险等尽职调查事项; 5、协助境外投资者在中国大陆开展外商投资,完成外商投资相关文件的起草、备案、审批事项; 6、协助客户进行《外商投资法》下的公司改制、章程修订、外商独资或合资协议的修订; 7、从维护客户利益角度出发,协助客户进行涉外商事谈判,起草中外合作合作协议或备忘录;。 8、其他公司商事法律服务和日常经营管理法律顾问。 |